Italian Citizenship

by Descent

Looking for applying for Italian Dual Citizenship by Descent?

How to Get Italian Citizenship by Descent?

You ask, we do it for you.

Italian citizenship by descent 1948 case

1948 Cases

Is your case falling into the “1948 Case Italian Citizenship” category? Our team of professionals will assist you with the entire process, from preparing the document to applying for your Italian Citizenship through descent.

Italian citizenship by descent italian consulate

Consulate Path

Do you need to apply through the local Italian Consulate? Our team of professionals will assist you with the entire process, from preparing the document to setting up the Italian Consulate appointment and being prepared for that.

Italian citizenship by descent court path

Court Path

Has your case to be filed at the Italian Court? Our team of qualified Italian Citizenship Lawyers will assist you with the entire process. It will represent you at the Court for filing and fighting your case of Italian Citizenship by ancestry.

What we do

Apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent with Us

ICD – Italian Citizenship by Descent born from experienced professionals in the field of applications for Italian Citizenship through Descent. Thanks to our partnership with professionals in Italy and qualified Italian Citizenship Lawyers set in Italy, we provide complete and full assistance to American Citizens that have an Italian heritage.

We will first check your eligibility for the Jure Sanguinis program for free. If you are eligible, we will exclusively assign a professional to your case. What are you waiting for? Contact Us for a free eligibility check!

Jure Sanguinis, also known as or Jus Sanguinis, means “right of blood” in Latin. The term is also interchangeable with “by descent.” Italy has friendly citizenship regulations and regards anyone of Italian ancestry to be “family.” Italy permits people of Italian origin to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent in various instances.

Once given Italian birthright citizenship, a person is entitled to all the rights and privileges enjoyed by Italian citizens and the opportunity to get a European Union passport.

The most typical categories are shown below to assist you in determining your eligibility.

  • Category 1: Your father was a citizen of Italy when you were born (in other words, he was not a citizen of the United States or another jurisdiction at the date of your birth);
  • Category 2: Your mother was a citizen of Italy when you were born (she was not yet a citizen of the United States and given that your birthdate was January 1, 1948, or later);
  • Category 3: Your paternal grandfather was a citizen of Italy, your father was born outside of Italy, either in the United States or in another nation, and at the time of his birth, your paternal grandfather was still a citizen of Italy;
  • Category 4: Your maternal grandfather was a citizen of Italy, was born outside of Italy, either in the United States or in another nation, and at the time of her birth, your paternal grandfather was still a citizen of Italy, and given that your birthdate was January 1, 1948, or later;
  • Category 5: Your maternal or paternal great-grandfather was a citizen of Italy, your maternal or paternal grandparent was born outside of Italy, either in the United States or in another nation, and your maternal or paternal great-grandfather was a citizen of Italy when your grandparents were born.

[Read more about the choices for getting Italian Citizenship by Descent]

The first option to obtain an Italian passport through descent is by applying at the Italian Consulate. It is the administrative office that represents the Italian government abroad.

The administrative path is the most common way to get Italian citizenship by descent, especially if you live outside of Italy. You can submit your application at the Italian Consulate under the jurisdiction of where you are a formal resident.

Another option to become an Italian citizen through descent is submitting your application to the Italian Court, particularly through the Italian Tribunal in Rome.

This method is mandatory if a woman in your Italian bloodline had her child before 1948. For example, Italian Great-grandfather – Grandmother – Father – You. It is known as the “1948 Italian Citizenship Case”.

Why Choose Us?

We are well-experienced professionals on the Italian Dual Citizenship by Descent applications.

Passion & Commitment
Legal background
Dedicated Team
Practical Approach

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